Antoni Henryk Radziwiłł (1775-1833) – szkic do portretu arystokraty, namiestnika Wielkiego Księstwa Poznańskiego

Prince Antoni Henryk Radziwiłł was a representative of a prominent aristocratic family of the I Rzeczypospolita [the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth]. Married to Louise Hohenzollern, he bound himself with the Prussian court for good. As an opponent of the idea of French Revolution and Napoleon Bonaparte, after the defeat and the creation of the Grand Duchy of Posen he became its governor. He did not achieve great political success, being attacked by the Prussian authorities for his pro-Polish attitude, and by the Poles for his strong links with the Prussian court. He was a talented musician and composer. He composed music for Goethe’s “Faust”.
J. Durka, Antoni Henryk Radziwiłł (1775-1833) – szkic do portretu arystokraty, namiestnika Wielkiego Księstwa Poznańskiego, [w:] Górny Śląsk i Wielkopolska w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX wieku. Wybrane aspekty z dziejów polityki i edukacji, red. J. Durka, Poznań 2012, s. 11-30.