Vera sponsa Christi - niejednoznaczności interpretacyjne w husyckich dyskusjach o Kościele

The article presents the use of the term “vera sponsa Christi” in the hussite polemics concerning communion under both kinds. The biblical term was present in the patristic writings and is known in the literature of the topic. However, its presence in the hussite polemics was rather ignored. Most probably, the term was included in the disputes by John Rokycana, while he was presenting his article on the communion under both kinds at the council of Basel in 1433. The negotiations leading to the signing of the Compacts included discussion over the introduction of the term to the text of the agreement. Soon after it was raised again, but it gained importance years later, after the rejection of the Compacts by the Pope in 1462. At that time it was used as an argument against the ecclesiastical authority in Rome. Martin Lupáč, an utraquist priest and writer, made a distinction between the Catholic Church and the Church which is the true Spouse of Jesus Christ. The implementation of the term in Basel allowed the utraquist to defend their position long after the agreement and it was used in a polemical way.
P. F. Nowakowski, Vera sponsa Christi - niejednoznaczności interpretacyjne w husyckich dyskusjach o Kościele, w: Kościół w społeczeństwie w Czechach i w Polsce w średniowieczu i w epoce nowożytnej, red. W. Iwańczak, A. Januszek-Sieradzka, J. Smołucha, Kraków 2020, s. 239-249.