Oral History of La Stod Shel dkar dga’ ldan legs bshadgling Monastery called Bunch of Crystal Speech

The main subject of the book is how the Shal dkar monastery was revived by its monks in exile. In 1959 because of Chinese occupation and Cultural Revolution in Tibet countless Buddhist monasteries were destroyed and monks escaped to exile. Shel dkar monastery and its monks were one of those monasteries who went through the same fate in Tibet. Leaving their own country and escape to exile is one of the darkest parts of its long history and recording of every event of their life story, survival and the preservation of the culture is prerequisite. Therefore, present book is prepared based on interviews with those monks who had experience of both, living in Shel dkar monastery in Tibet and rebuilt it again in exile before it is completely forgotten. In the first part of the book I have recorded everyday life in Shel dkar monastery in the beginning of 20th century and in the second part I have recorded how the monastery was restored in Nepal. At the end of the work I have included information about informants and the contents of the book in English.
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