Darstellung des Ersten Weltkrieges in der Monatsschrift Oberschlesien

Depiction of the First World War in the Monthly »Oberschlesien« In this article depiction of the First World War in the monthly »Oberschlesien« has been analysed. The cultural magazine »Oberschlesien« appeared 1902–1920, it focused his attention on the First World War in respect of internal and foreign policy as well as in literature. A special edition of the periodical for soldiers in military hospitals in Upper Silesia has already been published toward the end of 1914. The special character of depiction of the First World War in »Oberschlesien« consisted in presenting battles on the eastern and western front against a background of »Polish danger« in Upper Silesia. Reports on the combat and literary reflections of the war were connected with a struggle for German character of Upper Silesia.
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