Human Ecology. An Outline of the Concept and the Relationship between Man and Nature

The concept of human ecology comprises a full and integral, scientific view of the human person and their natural environment. It is a theory which protects the person from various reductionisms. On the other hand, however, it allows perceiving the dangers which result from these incomplete views. We clearly name these threats and point out how to prevent or, in case they exist, counteract them. The theory also allows noticing the natural dependencies which link people to their environment. Besides noticing these, it also points to the way to care for and develop these natural ties. The essential thesis of this concept is to value society as an important element of the natural human environment. This comprises a unique novum in the description of this environment.
Wyrostkiewicz, Human Ecology. An Outline of the Concept and the Relationship between Man and Nature, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2013
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