Zarządzanie kryzysowe − rola i zadania organów administracji państwowej

The article presents the problems of crisis management in Poland, which has been analyzing from the point of view the role and tasks of organs of authorities. The basis point for carried consideration is discussion of current regulatory adjustment regarding the issue of crisis management. In further part, the model of integrated system of management was characterized, taking into consideration individual administrative rungs, and the key role of circulation of information was underlined as important factor stipulating the proficiency of the whole system. The particular attention was paid on questions concerning the process ap‐proach to crisis management which differs 4 basis phases: prevention, preparation, reaction, reconstruction. In final part of the article, benefits that are resulted from system concept of crisis management in Poland were indicated.
W. Walczak, Zarządzanie kryzysowe — rola i zadania organów administracji państwowej, „Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie” 10, 2009, z. 8, s. 98–101.
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