Wymiar praktyczny tradycji prawnej: ewolucja rezerwy w prawie Luizjany w kontekście pytań o przyszłość zachowku w Polsce

In this article, I pose a question about the practical dimension of the legal tradition in disputes about the shape of the applicable law. The example analyzed is the history of forced heirship in Louisiana law; in disputes about the fate of this institution, the argumentation based on emphasizing its permanent presence in the legal tradition played a significant role and contributed to the preservation of forced heirship in its new form. In conclusion it is undelined that the thorough history of the legal institution and the answer to the question whether it is part of the local tradition is a necessary condition for making the right decisions about its future.
Jan Rudnicki, Wymiar praktyczny tradycji prawnej: ewolucja rezerwy w prawie Luizjany w kontekście pytań o przyszłość zachowku w Polsce, "Transformacje Prawa Prywatnego" 2020, nr 4, s. 199-218.
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