Problemy postępowania z zakresu przyznawania świadczeń emerytalnych. Studium przypadku i propozycja zmian

The administrative procedure for applying for old-age benefit at ZUS is not clear. It is noted that the Company applies double standards for its clients - one resulting from the Act on pensions from the Social Insurance Fund and its executive acts and the second completely unclear, resulting from the internal opinions, orders and decisions of the Department. Such two-faced proceedings lead to long-lasting disputes between the claimants and the Social Insurance Institution regarding the amount of the pension and its components. Usually, cases of this type go to the separate court proceedings in the labour and social insurance departments of district courts as appeals against ZUS decisions. Court proceedings are a completely unusual procedure. The court acquires evidence, evaluates and judges it in a completely different way than in "standard" civil law proceedings. Particularly noteworthy is the part of this procedure regarding the calculation of initial capital. This part of the proceedings is particularly difficult as the parties and the court are obliged to collect and properly assess the evidence indicating the periods and scope of work appealing against the decision of the Social Security Office. Usually, however, this evidence, including the testimonies of witnesses, is age-old and even up to 50 years old. Therefore, the assessment of such evidence carries with it a corresponding difficulty. This study was based on the files of the proceedings regarding the establishment of initial capital and the amount of old-age pension from the Social Insurance Fund. The full path from the preparation of the pension application, the administrative proceedings in the Social Insurance Institution, the court appeal proceedings in the first instance, the appellate proceedings and the prospects for the proceedings before the Supreme Court and the ECtHR are shown here.
Lipiec, Stanisław. ‘Problemy Postępowania z Zakresu Przyznawania Świadczeń Emerytalnych. Studium Przypadku i Propozycja Zmian.’ In Prawo Pracy w Systemie Prawa. Prawo Pracy a Prawo Ubezpieczeń Społecznych, edited by Irmina Miernicka. Łódź: Uniwersytet Łódzki, 2016.