Theoretical and practical aspects of business activity. Starting a business

This publication consists of three chapters. The first chapter refers to the sources of business financing, the second presents the forms of employment of employees, methods of recruitment and selection, methods of motivation and tools necessary for team building. Chapter three deals with marketing aspects of business activity. The book is dedicated to young entrepreneurs as well as to those already existing in the market, who constantly have to generate ideas and adapt them to changing market conditions. Hence, anyone who intends to or already conducts business activity will find in this publication some development-stimulating content.
Szydło, J., Szpilko, D., Glińska, E., Kobylińska, U., Rollnik-Sadowska, E., Ryciuk, U. (2022). Theoretical and practical aspects of business activity. Starting a business. Publishing House of Bialystok University of Technology, Białystok, Poland.
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