Readiness to take risk among Management students

The aim of the research is to present the level of readiness to take business risk among Management students at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw University of Technology and Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW. The study was conducted among 406 third-year students of Bachelor of Management Studies. Significant statistical difference in readiness to take risk between SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Warsaw University of Technology and Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW has been reported. A considerably higher level of readiness to take business risk has been noticed among students of the Warsaw School of Economics and Warsaw University of Technology. There is a need to develop this predisposition among students of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences who manifest low level of that variable. In accordance with the literature on the subject a thriving business organization cannot function without taking business risk. The lower level of readiness to take risk among SGGW Management students is associated with external locus of control.
A. Turowska, Readiness to take risk among Management students, Akademia Zarządzania 2022, 6(2), s. 8-20
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