Do Europe's borders need multi-faceted biometric protection?

In today’s world, terrorism has become a dire and global threat. Within Europe, terror attacks and participation in terrorist organisa- tions by EU citizens are on the rise. To deal with this, the European Union has introduced some significant legal changes to the Schengen agreement – the treaty that led to the creation of Europe’s Schengen area where internal bor- der checks have largely been abolished. The most recent and interesting of these changes has meant that systematic controls are being introduced at border crossings
Crockett, Keeley, O’Shea, James , Székely, Zoltán, Szklarski, Łukasz, Malamou, Anna and Boultadakis, Georgios (2017) Do Europe’s borders need multi-faceted biometric protection. Biometric Technology Today, 2017 (7). pp. 5-8.
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