Functioning of Meadow Ecosystems in River Piwonia Valley 40 Years After Its Melioration

The paper was aimed at evaluating the functioning of meadow ecosystem, air and water system, as well as soil transformations in river Piwonia valley 40 years after its melioration. The research was based on hydro-geological studies carried out in 1974 and 2005 as well as upon water system in dry years 1976 and 2002. The study was conducted in Polesie Lubelskie (Sosnowica) on grasslands meliorated and managed in 1963–1965 that have been improperly performed. Change of water system, together with intensification of agricultural production, and then giving up the land management contributed to formation of other habitat components. As a consequence of melioration, land surface was lowered, organic matter got mineralised, as well as soil volume density and ash content increased and porosity decreased.
Grzywna, Antoni & Szajda, Jan. (2008). FUNCTIONING OF MEADOW ECOSYSTEMS IN RIVER PIWONIA VALLEY 40 YEARS AFTER ITS MELIORATION. Teka Komisji Ochrony Środowiska. 5A. 38-46.
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