Pejzaż elekTRONiczny – o znaczeniu multimedialnych paratekstów na przykładzie filmu Tron: Dziedzictwo

In this article the author tries to deal with the common hypothesis about the growing role of multi-media paratexts in the modern film industry. By analyzing Disney’s highly paratextualized produc-tion TRON: Legacy this article attempts to reveal the very complex multimedia universe that sur-rounds the initial text (a movie) and immerses viewers in the fictional world. The main object of research is a specially designed website which is dedicated to the TRON: Legacy feature and repre-sents all possible ways of extending cinematic entertainment to social practices, thus creating com-pletely new ways of “using” a film production. Nonetheless, the question arises: are we dealing (in such a multiplatform entertainment system) with a new kind of cyberculture which incorporates our physical world into the imaginative dimension of popular culture? By referring to Derrick de Kerckhove’s well-known statement about the evolution of the electronic layer that covers our cul-ture as we know it, the author intends to show TRON: Legacy not only as an entertaining space for paratextual play, but also as a paratext of the non-elecTRONic space of our existence.
Żaglewski, T. (2012). Pejzaż elektroniczny – o znaczeniu multimedialnych paratekstów na przykładzie filmu Tron: Dziedzictwo. Człowiek i Społeczeństwo, 34: 109-129.
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