Władza polityczna jako służba. Uwagi na kanwie myśli św. Tomasza z Akwinu

The author attempts to justify the understanding of political authority as a service. In the light of his analyses two main conclusions can be inferred. First, since human nature creates the need for life in society, and this very life calls for the existence of political power, then the ultimate goal of the service provided by the political authority should be the same as the natural goal of human life, which is to live according to virtue. Secondly, since virtuousness is supposed to be the highest good of social life, it seems that appointing governors should be conditioned by the level of their virtuous de-velopment. Each candidate for political power should be first and foremost a person with high moral qualities (virtutes boni viri), with particular reference to prudence and generosity, which clearly appear as virtues proper to those who govern (virtutes boni principis). Both conclusions seem to justify not only the understanding of political power as a service, but also the need for treating it this way in real life.
Paweł Tarasiewicz, Władza polityczna jako służba. Uwagi na kanwie myśli św. Tomasza z Akwinu, w: In rebus divinis atque humanis servire – Niektóre aspekty służby w rzeczywistości Boskiej i ludzkiej, red. Ks. W. Guzewicz i in., Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, Ełk 2014