Wybór systemu nagłośnienia pomieszczeń sakralnych

The author of the following publication, aware of the shortage of specific literature concerning links between acoustics, architecture and building’s design, sets himself an aim: to depict general problems relevant to architect design of sacred interior reflecting acoustic qualities of each room and to convey useful and basic knowledge to architects, acousticians and clerics referring to the church’s building stage. In the following thesis the most important factors of church’s interior acoustic design are shown because through centuries the discipline caused numerous problems, being difficult to research, recount and neglected. Additional ideas of using natural acoustics of different sacred objects or electro acoustic equipment cause that the following subject area can be adapted in houses of prayer built throughout the years. Therefore the subject of the following article seems to be vitally important and up-to-date because it refers to a specialized field of knowledge of which thorough cognoscence broadens versatility and workshops of the architects, acousticians and clerics, not without influence upon high quality results.
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